
Plattform zur Abfrage von gefährdungskonsistenten Antwortspektren (UHS) für beliebige Punkte in Deutschland sowie von nationalen Erdbebengefährdungskarten nach dem Berechnungsmodell von Grünthal et al. (2018). GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam [Hrsg.], Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ. oder

Grünthal, G., Stromeyer, D., Bosse, C., Cotton, F., Bindi, D. (2018) The probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of Germany – version 2016, considering the range of epistemic uncertainties and aleatory variability in: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, no. 10, pp. 4339–4395.


Grünthal, G., Wahlström, R. (2012) The European-Mediterranean Earthquake Catalogue (EMEC) for the last millennium. Journal of Seismology, 16: 535-570


Plotting spectral data

CTRL Click inside the map within the vector polygon to open a plot of the data for the given point On map might not work on other browsers than Safari.


Single Click a spectral class in the map or from the legend highlights it

Long Click within the map removes any selection



added button to download the spectral period values (0.02s, 1.00s, 3.00s, mean, pga) for the current quantile-exceedance-period selection as CSV file

added button to the legend that allows to hide those spectral classes from being displayed in the legend that are absent in the map

selecting a spectral class in the map now selects the same entry in the legend, and vica versa


added toggle switch to sidebar settings to switch between desktop and mobile site arrangement to help circumvent desktop browsers beeing wrongfully detected as mobile ones

added spectral data mean value vector map layers

overlay layercontrol is now placed onto the map in desktop and moved into the sidebar in mobile mode


streamlined mobile experience with the desktop one

new behavior:

  • mousecklick (on desktop) / tap (on mobile) selects a feature from the vector overlay
  • long click / long tap deselects the selection
  • double click / double tap displays the plot for the respective geo location

added option to manually switch between mobile and desktop to the sidebar settings to help circumvent issues with falsely detected browsers

the coordinate display in the lower left corner now allows to manually enter coordinates that are put on the map as markers

the marker allow plotting from their location


